Buys the first residential properties in the Swedish cities Helsingborg, Gothenburg and Trollhättan.
Buys properties from Drott AB,
property value SEK 3.7 billion.
Issues a secured bond, EUR 257 million.
The average spread above Euribor was 25 basis points.
Buys the first properties in Berlin and Hamburg.
Starts privatizing in Sweden.
Starts upgrading German properties.
Roger Akelius donates shares in Akelius Apartments Ltd to Akelius Foundation.
First session of Akelius Business School.
Acquisition of the Focus portfolio in Berlin and the Täby portfolio in Stockholm.
Sells properties in western Sweden to Apartment Bostad Väst AB.
Starts upgrading properties in Sweden.
Starts business in Toronto and London.
Issues unsecured bonds in SEK.
Sells properties in Västerås and Linköping to Willhem for SEK 1.6 billion.
Acquires Apartment Bostad Väst AB and properties in Toronto from sister company.
Starts to buy residential properties in Paris and Montreal.
Buys Hugo Åberg-portfolio in Malmö, Sweden.
Issues preference shares.
Enters New York and the US market.
Acquires its first properties in Copenhagen.
Grows in existing metropolitan areas.
Digitalizes to increase efficiency.
'Clean the map' concluded.
Reaches fifty thousand apartments,
spread over fifteen metropolitan cities.
Holdings concentrated to twelve growing metropolitan cities.
Sells all properties in Scandinavia and Germany, in total 28,776 apartments.